( Hospital Division)



Surface, Glass and Environmental Disinfectants

Disinfectants for Surfaces

In hospital hygiene, surface disinfection plays a vital role. We offer a comprehensive range of quality products, which are certified and aligned in accordance to their application area. Our product range contains proven active ingredients with minimum product toxicity, low use concentrations and high user convenience.


Prevention of the spread of infection is of paramount importance, no matter what location….global setting, at home, at work or at our leisure areas. The outbreak of disease can be transmitted around the world in an incredibly short time. The recent spread of Swine Flu is a classic example.

Environmental surfaces may serve as a reservoir for microorganisms. Organisms present on these surfaces can transfer to a person through physical contact. Surfaces that are touched frequently by hand in healthcare set up (e.g. equipment handles and knobs, door knobs, light fixtures and bed rails) are potentially associated with this microbial transfer.


Surfaces that do not come in direct contact with the skin of patients, healthcare staff, and visitors (e.g. floors and walls) should also be kept clean and disinfected on a regular basis to eliminate, minimize or stop the proliferation of microorganism.

Surface disinfectants are used on all environmental surfaces in a hospital setting. This is a prime method of preventing the spread of infection.


Copyright: Torrent Group 2014